Monday, December 31, 2018

Oh God, December Killed Me. Here's a quick piece on Duck Comics

Commissioned by Aleph Null PanelXPanel #18 can be purchased here.

Sarah Jolley is a writer and artist I found out about on tumblr through her various Duck Comics. Duck Comics, for those unaware, is a colloquial term to refer to the various comics based on and around Donald Duck, in particular the work of Carl Barks and Don Rosa. Jolley’s Duck Comics tend to focus more on side characters such as Gladstone Gander and Fethry Duck than the more famous characters. But within them, she is able to find a depth in even the most progmatic of characters. Her stories range from slice of life affairs involving who gets the armrest on a plane trip to tragically romantic tales of people who can’t be together due to their own hang ups and flaws to “Armageddon, but with Ducks.” But in truth, The End of the Rainbow is about more than that. It’s about the nature of wishes and how stories don’t need to have definitive endings to be important. It’s about the ties that bind us and what it means to be lucky. Its use of color ranges from stark black and whites to wistful sepia. It’s a wonderful comic and I highly recommend them all to you.

Sarah Jolley's work can be found here. There's only one day left to support the One Must Imagine Scott Free Happy Kickstarter.

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